সোমবার, ২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Egypt's economy slumps under weight of unrest (AP)

CAIRO ? Drivers passing Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo curse the protesters.

On radio shows, callers question whether the youth activists and others involved in the new wave of demonstrations over the past week are nationalists, selfish children or saboteurs.

Political differences aside, what has become clear is that the latest clamor against Egypt's military rulers is pummeling the country's already flailing economy at a crucial time when many hoped winter tourism would pick up. A financial crisis is looming, say analysts.

"We're not far off," said Neil Shearing, chief emerging markets economist with Capital Economics. "There's enough money left in the coffers to get through the year, but not much beyond that. Crunch time is two to three months away."

It took 30 years to engineer the revolution that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak in February. But it only took months to push the 7 percent annual growth rate of recent years to an anemic forecast of only about 1 percent this year.

The difficulties keep mounting. The stock market tanks daily and foreign reserves have fallen by almost 40 percent so far this year.

The drop is linked to the protests that have persisted since Mubarak's fall, and more specifically, the wide gap between the expectations of the population after the uprising and the reality of what the government could deliver.

From iconic Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the revolution, to the city's middle income neighborhoods and slums, the sobering realization that the hopes for democracy have not translated into a better standard of living is leaving Egyptians increasingly frustrated ? with the military rulers, with the interim government that resigned a few days ago and, perhaps more troublingly, with each other.

"The move toward democracy is something that should be a beacon for the rest of the region," said Shearing. "But we've clearly reached a point ... where there needs to be some political stability because the financing risks are severe."

As of October, the country's net foreign reserves had fallen to $22 billion from $36 billion at the end of 2010. At least part of that money has gone to supporting the Egyptian pound, which economists worry could face severe depreciation if officials don't shore up the country's finances.

At the famed pyramids of Giza, when horse rides, papyrus prints and tours failed to entice some tourists, a young guide turned to the unorthodox.

"Girls?" offered 23-year-old Samir Adham, flashing a sly grin. "Hashish?"

He apologized when he realized the offer was made to a reporter.

"No one comes any more," he explained. "What can I do? I have to make a living," he said, bemoaning the hammering of Egypt's vital tourism industry, one of the country's top money-earners, since the revolution.

The troubles confronting Adham and others in the tourism sector are a window into the country's broader challenges.

Egypt's tourism sector has accounted for roughly 10 percent of gross domestic product and employs Egyptians in a range of supporting industries ? from guides and camel touts to hotel workers and artisans.

"Most shops have either let go of most of their employees or cut their salaries by at least 50 percent," said Khaled Osman, who owns a shop near the pyramids employing about 20 people. Since the revolution, the unemployment rate has climbed to almost 12 percent in the third quarter of 2011, compared to just shy of 9 percent a year earlier.

If the uprising that pushed Mubarak from power marked the start of the industry's demise for the year, then the latest protests in Tahrir Square have further cemented the losses.

The most recent clashes began as protesters returned to the square calling for the military to hand over power immediately to a civilian government. Among their complaints was that the ruling generals were no different than Mubarak and that they had run the economy into the ground.

The images of activists and security forces hurling rocks at each other through a thick fog of tear gas is hardly encouraging tourists. The unrest hasn't sat well with investors either. The cost of government borrowing has gone up and the central bank on Friday was forced to raise interest rates for the first time in roughly three years.

Borrowing costs will likely climb even more after ratings agency Standard & Poor's on Thursday drove Egypt's sovereign debt rating deeper into junk status, citing what it said was "an ongoing high, and recently increased, risk of challenges to political institutions that will possibly involve further domestic conflict."

"These challenges could arise if populist demands for greater political participation are thwarted, or from demands for improved living standards from different sectors of the population no matter who is governing Egypt," the agency said.

The impact of the uncertainty is clear at Cairo's airport, where officials report that passenger traffic has fallen off sharply since the start of the latest clashes a week ago. Some flights arrive with fewer than 30 passengers.

In Luxor, home to some of the country's most prized archaeological sites, tourism officials said hotel occupancy rates have plunged to under 10 percent. The downturn there is especially troubling because the winter months are typically when tourists head to southern Egypt, and Luxor and Aswan rely overwhelmingly on tourism revenues.

The declines are mirrored in Cairo, where five-star hotels sit largely empty.

Only Red Sea resorts such as Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheik are still going strong, with occupancy rates of about 70 percent, according to Amani El-Torgoman, tourism operations manager at Travco, one of the region's largest travel companies. But even there, it has come at a price.

"We're running after clients with best offers and last minute offers," said El-Torgoman, noting that most properties had cut their rates by as much as 50 percent to lure in visitors with all-inclusive packages that can go for as little as $50 per night.

While the latest clashes in Cairo have yet to be reflected in tourism figures, officials expect the hit to be hard and to build on top of an already declining interest on the part of Europeans, the bulk of visitors.

Irina Tyurina, a spokesperson for the Russian Association of Tourist Agencies, said the sales had dropped by 57 percent over the past six months compared to the same period of last year.

The so-called "Classic tours," which involve trips through Cairo and then down to southern Egypt, are all but dead, said Travco's El-Torgoman.

"If things continue like this, there are a lot of people who will go out of business," she said. "A lot (of smaller companies and shops) can't afford paying the salaries or even sustaining small losses."

The same argument carries across other sectors of the economy and into the daily lives of Egyptians who complain that the only thing that has come from the ouster of Mubarak has been even more of an increase in prices, coupled with a surge in crime and the headaches that come with the daily protests in Cairo. Already nearly half the population of more than 80 million lives near or below the poverty line set by the World Bank of $2 a day.

"Why can't they see that they're destroying the country," railed Mohammed El-Sharkawy, an accountant who moonlights as an electrician to make ends meet. The activists say "they want democracy and freedom, but don't understand that it comes with responsibility."

> ____

> Associated Press correspondents Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow, Nicole Winfield in Rome, Kirsten Grieshaber in Berlin and Alexander Besant in Cairo contributed.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/business/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111126/ap_on_bi_ge/ml_egypt_economy_in_shambles

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রবিবার, ২৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Alberta study disputes oil sands corrosion claims (Reuters)

CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) ? An Alberta study has found that crude from the province's oil sands is no more corrosive to pipelines than conventional oil, but it points out there is no definitive peer-reviewed research on the issue, which has played a role in Keystone XL pipeline controversy.

A 29-page review of available data by Alberta Innovates, a government-owned research corporation, addressed warnings by environmental groups that crude from the northern Alberta oil sands was more damaging to pipeline walls in several different ways, increasing risks of oil spills.

The study found there are differences in the chemical makeup of the types of oil, but not necessarily in corrosive qualities.

The paper made several recommendations, including urging Alberta's regulator, the Energy Resources Conservation Board, to start separating safety and operating statistics for pipelines that carry oil sands crude from those that ship conventional oil to allow better information gathering.

The paper, published this month, was written by Jenny Been, a specialist in Alberta Innovates' corrosion-engineering and advanced materials section. It was prepared for John Zhou of the agency's energy and environment solutions division.

It is not clear what weight the research carries and what the next steps are. Zhou and other officials at his division were not available for comment.

Corrosion fears were part of the controversy surrounding TransCanada Corp's $7 billion plan to build the Keystone XL pipeline to Texas from the Alberta oil sands. The plan is now on hold after the U.S. State Department pushed back a go-ahead decision by more than a year. The issue has arisen with other projects aimed at shipping crude from the tar sands, the world's third-largest oil deposit.

Despite a push by Canada and its oil industry to boost exports and staunch opposition from environmental groups such as the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), there is little, if any, dedicated research on the impact of the oil in question, bitumen mixed with lighter diluting hydrocarbons, called "dilbit".

New York-based NRDC released a study early this year that spelled out the concerns and called for the U.S. pipeline safety authority to commission research. The Alberta paper said the NRDC did an "excellent job" summarizing the issues and also points out the lack of a formal peer-reviewed study.

There is no indication that releasing the Alberta Innovates paper to regulators or media would have swayed the State Department in favor of greenlighting Keystone XL. But it may have helped calm some fears over risks of oil spills in environmentally sensitive areas, such Nebraska's Sand Hills.

In the paper, Been reviewed information from several sources and found dilbit crudes had acid, sulfur and chloride salt concentrations comparable to many conventional crudes.

The one exception is a variation called "dilsynbit", which is bitumen mixed with light synthetic crude. It has higher concentrations of solids but still well below the limits set by regulators and pipeline operators, she wrote.

Been pointed out that those ingredients can cause corrosion at temperatures above 200 C (392 F) at refineries, but are too stable at lower pipeline temperatures to cause such damage.

The research highlighted one risk, however - the impact of the buildup of sludge, made up of clay particles, water and oil, in pipelines. "The corrosivity of these sludges varies, but seems to be linked to water content, which can exceed 10 percent, and large bacterial populations," she said.

Sludge is not unique to pipelines carrying dilbit. However, the paper recommended that the compatibility of diluent and bitumen should be studied to find out if that plays any role in the formation of sludge.

The paper also urged support for a "downstream quality database" being developed by Crude Quality Inc and its industry partners. Crude Quality is an Edmonton, Alberta-based company that compiles data on Canadian oil types.

"It will be a valuable resource for the evaluation of sludge deposition and underdeposit corrosion during transportation," Been said.

(Editing by Peter Galloway)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/energy/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111125/wl_canada_nm/canada_us_oilsands_corrosion

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Solar eclipse makes Black Friday a bit darker

Jay Pasachoff / Williams College

The moon's disk takes a bite out of the sun during Friday's partial solar eclipse, as seen from Invercargill in New Zealand. The last of 2011's four solar eclipses was visible only from an area in southern latitudes taking in New Zealand, Tasmania, South Africa and Antarctica.

Alan Boyle writes

Today?was?"Black Friday" for some folks in southern climes, and not?because it's the?big shopping day after Thanksgiving: A partial solar eclipse made the sky just a little bit darker in areas of?New Zealand, Tasmania,?South Africa and Antarctica.

Some observers spotted only a slight grazing of the sun, while others ? such as Williams College astronomer Jay Pasachoff and his eclipse-chasing colleagues ? could see the moon take an appreciable bite out of the sun's disk in the skies over Invercargill in southern New Zealand. "After an in-and-out, off-and-on-rain day, we are very pleased," Pasachoff said in a report from Sky & Telescope's Kelly Beatty.

bbbPasachoff passed along another perspective on the eclipse, taken from the seventh-floor offices of the New Zealand Department of Conservation in Invercargill. The hand in the picture belongs to Steve Butler, who works for the?government agency.

Jay Pasachoff / Williams College

The partially eclipsed sun can be seen through a filter held in front of a seventh-floor window in Invercargill. Appropriate safety protection, such as specially designed solar filters, should always be used when gazing at the sun, even during a partial eclipse.

"I gave him one of my solar filters to hold so I could take that photo (Nikon D200)," Pasachoff told me?in an email. "He is the regional project manager and was able to grant us?access to that site where we were shielded from the wind ...?aside from the fierce wind that came through the opened window."

Antarctica's researchers had what were potentially the best seats in the house, with up to 90 percent of the sun's diameter blacked out. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound as if the weather was all that cooperative down at the bottom of the world.

Today's event was the last of four partial solar eclipses during 2011, but there's one more eclipse to close out the year. A total lunar eclipse will be visible from half the world on Dec. 10-11, with best viewing available from Australia, Asia and the Pacific. North Americans will see the beginning stages of the eclipse, while Europeans and Africans will catch the ending.

Next year?brings a new crop of solar spectacles, including an annular "ring" eclipse visible from Asia, the Pacific and the western U.S. on May 20, and a total solar eclipse visible from Australia and the South Pacific?on Nov. 13.?

More eclipse treats:

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Source: http://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/11/25/9024357-solar-eclipse-darkens-black-friday?chromedomain=cosmiclog

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শনিবার, ২৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Khodorkovsky hopes to see documentary on his fate (AP)

MOSCOW ? Jailed Russian tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky has expressed hope of seeing a documentary about his conflict with the Kremlin that has premiered in Moscow.

Khodorkovsky said in a statement that he "hopes sooner or later" to see the film by German director Cyril Tuschi shown in Russia on Thursday, nine months after its European premiere.

The documentary describes the fate of Russia's richest man ? imprisoned since his arrest in 2003 on charges seen as punishment for challenging Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who was then president. A second conviction last year will keep Khodorkovsky incarcerated until 2016.

Tuschi said Russian distributors have refused to distribute his film due to "self-sensorship" and that the documentary will open in a handful of small, independent theaters.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/movies/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111124/ap_on_en_mo/eu_russia_khodorkovsky_film

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Harbaughs lead Ravens and 49ers into historic duel (AP)

BALTIMORE ? The Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers have thrived this season because they are physical, relentless and combative.

Just like their coaches.

The no-holds barred sibling rivalry between John and Jim Harbaugh moves to the national stage on Thanksgiving night, when they make NFL history by becoming the first brothers to compete on opposite sidelines as head coaches.

John Harbaugh is seeking to take the Ravens (7-3) to the playoffs for the fourth time in as many years at the helm. Jim Harbaugh has turned the 49ers (9-1) into Super Bowl contenders in his rookie year as an NFL coach by instilling his unyielding work ethic into a workmanlike offense and the league's stingiest defense (14.5 points per game).

The brothers received much of their football knowledge from their father, Jack, a longtime college coach. Their competitive spirit was honed during endless duels in almost every game imaginable ? including a few they invented just so they could butt heads for boasting purposes.

"We would play tennis-ball basketball on a coat hanger rim," big brother John recalled. "We were throwing balls between tree branches, I guess, throwing snowballs against trees. It was whatever we could think of."

Sometimes, things got a bit out of hand.

"We have never had a fight as adults, maybe since we were 25 or something," John said. "But we had some knock-down drag-outs when we were younger. I can remember my mom screaming, wailing and crying, `You're brothers! You are not supposed to act like this!' There are probably a lot of mothers out there that can relate to that."

John, 49, and Jim, 47, aren't the only pair of brothers who have dueled while growing up. They are, however, poised to become the only ones to take that competition into an NFL game as head coaches.

"It goes back to how hard both of them worked to get to where they're at today," said Joani Crean, their younger sister. "Nobody said, `Oh, you're Jack Harbaugh's son, why don't you come do this job?' They both started out in their professions at the bottom rung, so to speak. They both worked their way up."

Their players know how important this game is to each brother.

"They're both competitive. We're competitive as a team," 49ers running back Frank Gore said. "Baltimore has a great team ? they've been playing great ball for a while. Now we're doing our thing, so it should be a great game."

Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs said, "We really want to win it bad for (John). We've (heard) they were going to kind of get after each other like they did when they were little. It's going to be fun to be a part of a sibling rivalry."

The last time John and Jim Harbaugh competed against each other in a sporting event was during an American Legion baseball game when both were teenagers. John was part of the an elite team and Jim wasn't, so little brother created a team of his own. Jim can remember virtually all of his teammates and the final score: Jim lost 1-0.

John's recollection of the game is not quite as precise, or so it would seem.

"We won. That's what I remember about it," he said. "I think I had the game-winning home run, too, if I remember correctly. At least as far as everyone here knows, right?"

The stakes will be much higher on Thanksgiving night, although to the Harbaugh brothers, it's just another chapter in a competition that will almost certainly continue for the rest of their lives.

"I'm really looking forward to it, and I think Jim is, too," John said. "Yeah, it's going to be very competitive, it's going to be very emotional. We're going to have a lot of family in town. It's one of those things in life where you don't get these moments back, you don't get these chances to live back. And this is a chance to live. Not just for Jim and I, but for the family, even the players and fans. If nothing else, it's something to remember. It's an event. It's cool."

The Harbaughs' parents will be at the stadium early, but will watch the game at John's house to "allow the stage to be John and Jim's. I want to rephrase that. Let the stage be the 49ers and the Ravens. I stand corrected," Jack Harbaugh said.

Some have dubbed this the Harbaugh Bowl, but it's also a very important game for both teams. The 49ers have won eight straight and are chasing unbeaten Green Bay for the top seed in the NFC. San Francisco can clinch the NFC West with a win and a Seattle loss on Sunday against Washington.

The Ravens are locked in a first-place tie with the Pittsburgh Steelers, one game ahead of surprising Cincinnati.

Jim Harbaugh loves the idea of squaring off against John again, although he'd have preferred a more neutral scenario.

"It's the first time in history that two brothers have coached against each other," he said. "This will be the first time since they went to a 16-game schedule that a team has traveled three time zones to play a Thursday game."

Asked how he will feel staring across the field at his brother, John said, "I'll be filled with so much pride and joy. And then probably some anger and other things once we start playing. But really, it's special."


AP Sports Writer Janie McCauley in Santa Clara, Calif. contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/sports/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111123/ap_on_sp_fo_ne/fbn49ers_ravens

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শুক্রবার, ২৫ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

GOP insiders wonder if Gingrich's past, personality and immigrant stand will appeal to voters (Star Tribune)

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Source: http://news.feedzilla.com/en_us/stories/politics/top-stories/165732302?client_source=feed&format=rss

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Republican Presidential Candidates on the Patriot Act (ContributorNetwork)

When America was viciously attacked by fundamentalists on September 11, 2001, the U.S. government responded by drafting legislation aimed at thwarting future terrorist efforts. The result was the Patriot Act. Since its enactment, however, it has fueled a debate in Washington as to whether its benefits outweigh its costs.

Is the Patriot Act a necessary instrument for finding and stopping terrorists or an excessive infringement on American civil liberties?

Consequently, former attorney general Ed Reese asked the major Republican presidential candidates at the most recent GOP debate whether they thought the investigative powers granted by the Patriot Act should be extended.

Here were their responses:

* Newt Gingrich: "I think ? the key distinction for the American people to recognize is the difference between national security requirements and criminal law requirements. It's desperately important that we preserve your right to be innocent until proven guilty, if it's a matter of criminal law. But if you're trying to find somebody who may have a nuclear weapon that they are trying to bring into an American city, I think you want to use every tool that you can possibly use to gather the intelligence.

"The Patriot Act has clearly been a key part of that. And I think looking at it carefully and extending it and building an honest understanding that all of us will be in danger for the rest of our lives. This is not going to end in the short run. And we need to be prepared to protect ourselves from those who, if they could, would not just kill us individually, but would take out entire cities."

* Ron Paul: "I think the Patriot Act is unpatriotic because it undermines our liberty. I'm concerned, as everybody is, about the terrorist attack. Timothy McVeigh was a vicious terrorist. He was arrested. Terrorism is still on the books, internationally and nationally, it's a crime and we should deal with it. We dealt with it rather well with Timothy McVeigh.

"But why I really fear it is we have drifted into a condition that we were warned against because our early founders were very clear. They said, don't be willing to sacrifice liberty for security. Today it seems too easy that our government and our congresses are so willing to give up our liberties for our security. I have a personal belief that you never have to give up liberty for security. You can still provide security without sacrificing our Bill of Rights."

* Mitt Romney: "There are different categories here. There's crime and there are rights that are afforded to American citizens under our Constitution and those that are accused of crime. Then there's war. And the tool of war being used today in America and around the world is terror. There's a different body of law that relates to war."

* Herman Cain: "Now, relative to the Patriot Act, if there are some areas of the Patriot Act that we need to refine, I'm all for that. But I do not believe we ought to throw out the baby with the bathwater for the following reason. The terrorists have one objective that some people don't seem to get. They want to kill all of us. So we should use every mean possible to kill them first or identify them first."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/gop/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ac/20111123/us_ac/10513959_republican_presidential_candidates_on_the_patriot_act

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৪ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

HIV Patients at Heightened Risk for Certain Cancers (HealthDay)

TUESDAY, Nov. 22 (HealthDay News) -- A weakened immune system and unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking put HIV-infected patients at increased risk for cancer, according to a new study.

The researchers also said that starting antiretroviral therapy at an earlier stage of HIV infection might reduce cancer risk.

The primary goal of the study, one of the first to compare the risk of cancer in HIV-infected patients, was to determine how much of the increased risk was the result of the disease and how much was due to other risk factors, such as smoking, the researchers said.

The study authors compared the rates of 10 types of cancer that occurred among HIV-infected patients and HIV-free patients from Kaiser Permanente in Northern and Southern California between 1996 and 2008.

Six of the cancers were more common in HIV patients than in HIV-free patients, including Kaposi's sarcoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, melanoma, anal cancer and liver cancer. Lung and oral-cavity cancers were also more common among HIV patients, but most of the risk of those cancers appeared to be associated with lifestyle habits such as smoking.

Prostate cancer was less common in HIV patients than in HIV-free patients.

Further investigation suggested that a weakened immune system was associated with the increased risk of cancer in HIV patients.

"Taken together, we believe our results support cancer-prevention strategies that combine routine prevention activities, such as smoking cessation, with earlier HIV treatment to help maintain a patient's immune system," lead author Michael Silverberg, a research scientist with the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland, said in a Kaiser news release.

The study appears in the current issue of the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.

More information

The U.S. National Cancer Institute has more about HIV and cancer risk.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/cancer/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20111123/hl_hsn/hivpatientsatheightenedriskforcertaincancers

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বুধবার, ২৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Katy Perry on Pregnancy Rumors: ?Hell No!?

Katy Perry is still not ready to trade her teenage dream for motherhood. The singer, who has been married to Russell Brand for just more than one year, became the subject of fresh pregnancy rumors after her belly showed a teensy bit of bulge at the American Music Awards. But when gossip website Hollyscoop asked her point-blank, they received a definitive "Hell no!" from the pop star.

Source: http://www.ivillage.com/katy-perry-denies-preganancy-rumors/1-a-404745?dst=iv%3AiVillage%3Akaty-perry-denies-preganancy-rumors-404745

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Man pays fine for keeping illegal pets | WAVY.com | Newsoms

NEWSOMS, Va. (WAVY) - Monday, a Newsoms man pled guilty to unlawful possession of alligators and turtles.

31-year-old Jason Holloman paid an $81 fine in court. In September, police found 23 box turtles and two alligators in his back yard.

Police said Holloman housed the alligators in an indoor aquarium on the backside of his house. Holloman also built a wall around his backyard so the turtles could crawl freely.

Virginia state law states a person can own no more than five native species, in this case box turtles. It is illegal to possess or trade alligators in the state of Virginia.

Both of the alligators were taken to the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk.

Source: http://www.wavy.com/dpp/news/local_news/man-pays-fine-for-keeping-illegal-pets

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মঙ্গলবার, ২২ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Officers in pepper spray incident placed on leave (AP)

SAN FRANCISCO ? A California university placed two of its police officers on administrative leave Sunday because of their involvement in the pepper spraying of passively sitting protesters, while the school's chancellor accelerated a task force's investigation into the incident amid calls for her resignation.

The president of the 10-campus University of California system also weighed in on the growing fallout from Friday's incident at UC Davis, saying that he is "appalled" at images of students being doused with pepper spray and plans a far-reaching, urgent assessment of law enforcement procedures on all campuses.

"I implore students who wish to demonstrate to do so in a peaceful and lawful fashion. I expect campus authorities to honor that right," UC President Mark G. Yudof said. All 10 chancellors would convene soon for a discussion "about how to ensure proportional law enforcement response to non-violent protest," he said.

Officials at UC Davis refused to identify the two officers who were place on administrative leave but one was a veteran of many years on the force and other "fairly new" to the department, the school's Police Chief Annette Spicuzza told The Associated Press. She would not elaborate further because of the pending probe.

Videos posted online of the incident clearly show one riot-gear clad officer dousing the line of protesters with spray as they sit in a line with their arms intertwined. Spicuzza told the AP that the second officer was identified during an intense review of several videos.

"We really wanted to be diligent in our research, and during our viewing of multiple videos we discovered the second officer," Spicuzza said. "This is the right thing to do."

Both officers were trained in the use of pepper spray as department policy dictates, and both had been sprayed with it themselves during training, the chief noted.

Meanwhile, UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi said she has been inundated with reaction from alumni, students and faculty.

"I spoke with students this weekend and I feel their outrage," Katehi said in a statement Sunday.

Katehi also set a 30-day deadline for her school's task force investigating the incident to issue its report. The task force, comprised of students, staff and faculty, will be chosen this week. She earlier had set a 90-day timetable.

She also plans to meet with demonstrators Monday at their general assembly, said her spokeswoman, Claudia Morain.

On Saturday, the UC Davis faculty association called for Katehi's resignation, saying in a letter there had been a "gross failure of leadership." Katehi has resisted calls for her to quit.

"I am deeply saddened that this happened on our campus, and as chancellor, I take full responsibility for the incident," Katehi said Sunday. "However, I pledge to take the actions needed to ensure that this does not happen again. I feel very sorry for the harm our students were subjected to and I vow to work tirelessly to make the campus a more welcoming and safe place."

The incident reverberated well beyond the university, with condemnations and defenses of police from elected officials and from the wider public on Facebook and Twitter.

"On its face, this is an outrageous action for police to methodically pepper spray passive demonstrators who were exercising their right to peacefully protest at UC Davis," Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, said in a statement Sunday. "Chancellor Katehi needs to immediately investigate, publically explain how this could happen and ensure that those responsible are held accountable."

The protest Friday was held in support of the overall Occupy Wall Street movement and in solidarity with protesters at the University of California, Berkeley who were jabbed by police with batons on Nov. 9.

Nine students hit by pepper spray were treated at the scene, two were taken to hospitals and later released, university officials said. Ten people were arrested.

Some defended the officers' tactics. Charles J. Kelly, a former Baltimore Police Department lieutenant who wrote the department's use of force guidelines, said pepper spray is a "compliance tool" that can be used on subjects who do not resist, and is preferable to simply lifting protesters.

Meanwhile Sunday, police in San Francisco, about 80 miles south of Davis, arrested six anti-Wall Street protesters and cleared about 12 tents erected in front of the Federal Reserve Bank.

Across the bay in Oakland, police made no arrests after protesters peacefully left a new encampment set up in defiance of city orders.

Oakland police spokeswoman Johnna Watson said about 20 tents were erected late Saturday after several hundred protesters tore down a chain-link fence surrounding a city-owned vacant lot and set up a new encampment on Telegraph Avenue.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/topstories/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111121/ap_on_re_us/us_occupy_pepper_spray

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সোমবার, ২১ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

The Ricki Lake Show to Premiere in 2012 (omg!)

Ricki Lake is back! The Dancing with the Stars contestant's upcoming daytime talk show, The Ricki Lake Show, will launch in September 2012.

"I want to spark ideas and conversations and inspire people to take active roles in their communities, relationships and their well-being," Lake said in a statement Thursday. Her original talk show, Rick Lake , ran from 1993 to 2004.

Dancing's Derek Hough: I don't feel pressure to win

"I have definitely grown as a person since I put down the mic, and I couldn't be happier to share and continue the journey with both my existing fans and an entirely new generation of women," she said.

The Ricki Lake Show will be syndicated in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, and other major markets across the country.


Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/entertainment/*http%3A//us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/external/omg_rss/rss_omg_en/news_ricki_lake_show_premiere2012_165100073/43655135/*http%3A//omg.yahoo.com/news/ricki-lake-show-premiere-2012-165100073.html

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Saif Al-Islam, Gaddafi Son, Will Be Tried In Libya

ZINTAN, Libya -- Moammar Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent will be tried in Libya and not handed over to the International Criminal Court even though the country's new rulers have yet to set up a justice system, the information minister said on Sunday.

The Libyan people want to see Seif al-Islam Gadhafi tried at home for the crimes he committed against the Libyan people, said the minister, Mahmoud Shammam.

Seif al-Islam, captured over the weekend, is wanted by the Netherlands-based ICC on charges of crimes against humanity.

"The ICC is just a secondary court, and the people of Libya will not allow Seif al-Islam to be tried outside," Shammam told The Associated Press on Sunday.

ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo told the AP Saturday that he will travel to Libya on Monday for talks with Libya's National Transitional Council on where the trial will take place.

Ocampo said that while national governments have the first right to try their own citizens for war crimes, his primary goal was to ensure Seif al-Islam has a fair trial.

Shammam said the NTC will discuss its decision with Ocampo during his visit.

"It will take time for the trial to happen but this is natural," he said.

Human Rights Watch called for Seif al-Islam to be promptly turned over to the International Criminal Court in a statement, citing the apparent killings in custody of his father and brother Muatassim on Oct. 20 as "particular cause for concern."

Seif al-Islam was captured in the southern Libyan desert early Saturday morning by revolutionary fighters from the town of Zintan, 85 miles (150 kilometers) southwest of Tripoli. He was flown back to Zintan where he remains in custody.


Al-Shalchi reported from Cairo.

The Gaddafi Family Tree:

WIFE: Safiya Gaddafi


Gaddafi said he met Safiya, then a teenage nursing student, while recuperating from an appendectomy after taking power in 1969. He soon divorced his first wife, Fatiha, and married Safiya. Safiya Gaddafi and three of Gaddafi's children fled to Algeria Aug. 29.

Gaddafi said he met Safiya, then a teenage nursing student, while recuperating from an appendectomy after taking power in 1969. He soon divorced his first wife, Fatiha, and married Safiya. Safiya Gaddafi and three of Gaddafi's children fled to Algeria Aug. 29.


WIFE: Safiya Gaddafi

Gaddafi said he met Safiya, then a teenage nursing student, while recuperating from an appendectomy after taking power in 1969. He soon divorced his first wife, Fatiha, and married Safiya. Safiya Gaddafi and three of Gaddafi's children fled to Algeria Aug. 29.

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/20/saif-al-islam-gaddafi-trial-libya_n_1103734.html

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রবিবার, ২০ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Samsung Galaxy Note now available on O2 in the UK, priced at around $400

Well, that didn't take long. Less than a week after O2 announced that the Galaxy Note would be "coming soon," Samsung's 5.3-inch handset has just popped up for sale on the UK carrier's site. It's available now for £250 (or about $396) on the most basic of monthly plans, offering a hybridized notepad/tablet experience, in exchange. The provider is also offering £100 worth of free movies and music to early buyers, available for download via Samsung Hub. Interested parties can grab it now, at the source link below.

[Thanks, George]

Samsung Galaxy Note now available on O2 in the UK, priced at around $400 originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 18 Nov 2011 05:20:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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University Theatre's Bat Boy: The Musical is a monstrously good time

I'll always feel a certain hometown connection to the Weekly World News, the goofy tabloid that used to be good for a few chuckles in the grocery checkout line. In summer 1988, when I was still living in Kalamazoo, Mich., WWN reported that Elvis was alive and had been spotted in the downtown Burger King, among other places.

Given the public's twin loves of celebrity and utter nonsense, the story attracted international attention and still resurfaces today.

The 1992 tale of Bat Boy, a half-human, half-bat allegedly found in a cave in West Virginia, also lives on. Thanks in part to a truly bizarre graphic ? huge eyes, Nosferatu ears, and a gaping mouth filled with small, pointy teeth ? Bat Boy entered the popular imagination. You've probably seen the comparison to a photo of an overzealous Michelle Bachmann making the rounds online.

And now, thanks to UW-Madison's University Theatre, local audiences can take in the 1997 musical based on this pitiful creature's saga. It runs through Dec. 10 in Vilas Hall's Mitchell Theatre.

While a tabloid story might seem like a slim premise to base a musical on, UT's production is a monstrously good time. Dynamic, entertaining and genuinely funny, it should appeal to lovers of irreverent musicals like Urinetown and Avenue Q.

Bat Boy: The Musical takes place in the fictional but tellingly named hamlet of Hope Falls. Spelunkers stumble upon the pale, skinny creature. Startled, he bites one of the cavers, and thus begins his troubled entry into human society. Most of the town rallies against the "freak" while the kindly wife of a veterinarian ? harboring some dark secrets ? sees him not as an animal, but as a boy-in-training.

Joshua David Atkins performs impressively as the title character. Physically, he must alternate between scampering, feral movements and the more refined persona he adopts with the help of Mrs. Parker (Megan Randolph), who decks him out in a cable sweater vest and kiltie loafers. In one of the play's funnier scenes, she helps him learn to say basic words like "hello" and "boy." Soon, he's speaking with an SAT-worthy vocabulary and the most proper diction in town.

Musical styles range from pop-rock to the gospel-inflected "A Joyful Noise" to an unfortunate but brief bit of rap. Randolph shines during "A Home for You," in which she professes her desire to keep Bat Boy safe, and the ensemble gets things rocking during the splashy "Show You a Thing or Two."

While Bat Boy touches upon classic themes such as the persecuted, misunderstood outsider and fear of the unfamiliar, it's a little unconvincing on that score since it traffics in some stereotypes of its own, such as the mulleted, gun-toting locals.

Ultimately, though, Bat Boy is neither preachy nor malicious. Under the direction of MFA directing student Molly Richards, it's a fun exercise in campy horror. With gender-blind casting and half the cast playing multiple roles, there are wonderfully silly moments as actors shift from one character to another. There are also some strong voices, particularly Scott Harman as the veterinarian and Randolph as his wife.

Onstage accompaniment is provided by a five-member band. Sound for the show needs tweaking; Friday night, the vocals in the first number seemed over-amplified, especially for a small space, and the band sometimes sounded harsh.

Despite some quibbles, Bat Boy is very solidly produced and well worth audiences' time. Just be prepared to have numbers like "Hold Me, Bat Boy" ("sink your fangs into my soul / only you can make me whole") stuck in your head for days.

Source: http://www.thedailypage.com/daily/article.php?article=35133

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শনিবার, ১৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

HBT: Cubs name Brewers coach Sveum skipper

Well, it?s officially official.

According to ESPN?s Gordon Edes, the Cubs have announced that Dale Sveum will become the team?s next manager. He?s to be introduced at a press conference scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday in Chicago.

Sveum was offered the job on Wednesday evening after a second in-person interview, then issued his official?acceptance?on Thursday afternoon after recieving a visit at his hotel from new Cubs president Theo Epstein and new Cubs GM Jed Hoyer.

The now-former Brewers hitting coach has only managed on an interim basis in the major?leagues, but he was regarded as a rising star in the profession down in the minors and he should have no trouble picking up the?intricacies?of the job at the next level. Sveum was also a candidate for Boston?s opening, but they?re now expected to extend their search into next week and there are reports that it might even last into December.

Sveum becomes the 52nd manager in Cubs history. He was given a three-year contract.

Source: http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/11/17/cubs-hire-dale-sveum-as-manager/related/

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শুক্রবার, ১৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Japan insurer reduces scandal-ridden Olympus stake (AP)

TOKYO ? Nippon Life Insurance, the top shareholder in scandal-ridden Olympus Corp., said Thursday it reduced its stake in the Japanese camera and medical equipment maker that now risks being kicked off the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Osaka-based Nippon Life Insurance said that it reduced its stake from 8 percent to about 5 percent in Olympus shares following a widespread scandal in which the company acknowledged covering up huge investment losses.

"We have sold a part of our holdings because of uncertainties, from the standpoint of profitability for our customers and considerations of managerial efficiency," the company said in a statement.

But Nippon Life remains the top shareholder in Olympus and affirmed its support for the company, its technology and its "core business."

The scandal centers around $687 million in payments for financial advice and expensive acquisitions of companies unrelated to its mainstay businesses that were used to cover up heavy investment losses from the 1990s.

Olympus has acknowledged the scheme and now risks being delisted from the Tokyo Stock Exchange unless it can rectify past filing with regulators by reporting revised earnings by Dec. 14. The company's shares have plummeted 80 percent since the scandal broke.

The fiasco came to light last month, when Chief Executive Michael Woodford, a Briton ? and a rare foreigner heading a major Japanese company ? raised questions about the payments and called for executives to resign. He was subsequently fired by the board on Oct. 14.

But Olympus was forced to reverse its initial denials of wrongdoing after a company investigation ? sparked by media attention and public statements by Woodford ? showed that accounting irregularities had taken place and that executives had acted to hide investment losses.

Japanese authorities have begun a separate investigation into the scandal, and media reports say Olympus officials may be questioned in a criminal investigation. Police have declined to comment on the reports.

The scandal is also likely to boost calls for better regulations to ensure corporate governance in Japan, which has been repeatedly criticized as falling behind global standards.


Follow Yuri Kageyama on Twitter at http://twitter.com/yurikageyama

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/business/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111117/ap_on_hi_te/as_japan_olympus

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Occupy protesters march nationwide; many arrested (AP)

NEW YORK ? Thousands of Occupy Wall Street demonstrators took to the streets around the U.S. on Thursday to mark two months since the movement's birth and signal they aren't ready to quit, despite the breakup of many of their encampments by police.

At least 175 people were arrested in New York, many for blocking streets near the New York Stock Exchange. One man was taken into custody for throwing liquid, possibly vinegar, into the faces of several police officers, authorities said. Police in Los Angeles arrested 23 people.

Demonstrations were also planned or under way in such cities as Washington, St. Louis, Las Vegas and Portland, Ore.

Chanting "All day, all week, shut down Wall Street," more than 1,000 demonstrators gathered near the NYSE and staged sit-ins at several intersections. Helmeted police broke up some of the clusters, but most of the crowd re-assembled in Zuccotti Park, where the encampment that served as the unofficial headquarters of the Occupy movement was broken up by police earlier this week.

"This is a critical moment for the movement given what happened the other night," said Paul Knick, a software engineer from Montclair, N.J., as he marched through the financial district. "It seems like there's a concerted effort to stop the movement, and I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen."

Organizers in New York said protesters would fan out across Manhattan later in the day and head into the subways, then march over the Brooklyn Bridge.

About 500 sympathizers, many of them union members, marched in downtown Los Angeles between the Bank of America tower and Wells Fargo Plaza, chanting, "Banks got bailed out, we got sold out."

In Albany, N.Y., about 250 protesters from Buffalo, Rochester and other encampments arrived by bus to join a demonstration in a downtown park. Police in Portland, Ore., closed a bridge in preparation for a march there and later detained more than a dozen people who sat down on the span.

The street demonstrations marked two months since the Occupy movement sprang to life in New York on Sept. 17. They were planned well before police raided a number of encampments over the past few days, but were seen by some activists as a way to demonstrate their resolve in the wake of the crackdown.

Thursday's demonstration around Wall Street failed to disrupt operations at the stock exchange but brought taxis and delivery trucks to a halt. Police allowed Wall Street workers through the barricades, but only after checking their IDs.

The demonstrators included the actor and director Andre Gregory, who said he hoped the movement would lead to national action on economic injustice.

"It's a possible beginning of something positive," he said.

Police said four officers went to a hospital after a demonstrator threw some kind of liquid in their faces. Many demonstrators were carrying vinegar as an antidote for pepper spray.

Some onlookers applauded the demonstrators from open windows. Others yelled, "Get a job!"

"I don't understand their logic," said Adam Lieberman, as he struggled to navigate police barricades on his way to work at JPMorgan Chase. "When you go into business, you go into business to make as much money as you can. And that's what banks do. They're trying to make a profit."

Gene Williams, a bond trader, joked that he was "one of the bad guys" but said he empathized with the demonstrators: "The fact of the matter is, there is a schism between the rich and the poor, and it's getting wider."

The confrontations followed early-morning arrests in other cities. In Dallas, police evicted dozens of protesters near City Hall, citing health and safety reasons. Eighteen protesters were arrested. Two demonstrators were arrested and about 20 tents removed at the University of California, Berkeley.

City officials and demonstrators were trying to decide what to do about an encampment in Philadelphia, where about 100 protesters were ordered on Wednesday to clear out immediately to make way for a long-planned $50 million plaza renovation at City Hall.


Associated Press writer Colleen Long in New York contributed to this story.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/topstories/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111117/ap_on_bi_ge/us_occupy_protests_anniversary

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বুধবার, ১৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

PBS Kids gives augmented reality an educational spin with new iOS app (Yahoo! News)

Fill sushi orders by solving math problems with Fetch! Lunch Rush

While some augmented reality programs aim to give you a new face or show you what your living room would look like with a new TV, PBS Kids has a decidedly more educational plan. The company has just released a brand new iOS app titled Fetch! Lunch Rush which uses the camera on the iPhone and iPad 2 to give simple math lessons an entertaining and futuristic twist.

To play the game, kids or their?parents must first print out a set of 10 cards from the PBS Kids website. When starting the app, a character named Ruff will help guide the player through the setup process. After selecting the number of players, as well as nicknames for each one, it's time to play. The object of the game is to fill sushi orders for some very demanding customers. Kids will need to solve a series of simple math problems in order to satisfy each request. This is done by pointing the device's camera at the correct number card, then touching the 3D food items that appear on the screen.

It's a clever and unique way to get kids excited about learning, and the colorful characters and wealth of humor serve it well. The best part is that the app is absolutely free. If you have youngsters eager to try it out, you can head to the app store on your iPad 2 or iPhone and search for "PBS Kids," or simply follow this link directly to the product page. Enjoy!

[via Engadget]

This article originally appeared on Tecca

More from Tecca:

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/techblog/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_technews/20111115/tc_yblog_technews/pbs-kids-gives-augmented-reality-an-educational-spin-with-new-ios-app

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'Immortals' ascends to No. 1 weekend with $32.2M (AP)

LOS ANGELES ? The action adventure "Immortals" claimed the top spot at the weekend box office with $32,2 million, debuting ahead of Adam Sandler's comedy "Jack and Jill," which opened at No. 2 with $25 million.

The top 20 movies at U.S. and Canadian theaters Friday through Sunday, followed by distribution studio, gross, number of theater locations, average receipts per location, total gross and number of weeks in release, as compiled Monday by Hollywood.com are:

1. "Immortals," Relativity Media, $32,206,425, 3,112 locations, $10,349 average, $32,206,425, one week.

2. "Jack and Jill," Sony, $25,003,575, 3,438 locations, $7,273 average, $25,003,575, one week.

3. "Puss in Boots," Paramount, $24,726,193, 3,903 locations, $6,335 average, $108,035,359, three weeks.

4. "Tower Heist," Universal, $12,773,765, 3,370 locations, $3,790 average, $43,465,615, two weeks.

5. "J. Edgar," Warner Bros., $11,217,324, 1,910 locations, $5,873 average, $11,315,858, one week.

6. "A Very Harold & Kumar 3-D Christmas," Warner Bros., $5,915,143, 2,875 locations, $2,057 average, $23,237,525, two weeks.

7. "In Time," Fox, $4,081,881, 2,591 locations, $1,575 average, $30,598,618, three weeks.

8. "Paranormal Activity 3," Paramount, $3,611,283, 2,776 locations, $1,301 average, $100,808,835, four weeks.

9. "Footloose," Paramount, $2,726,736, 2,215 locations, $1,231 average, $48,767,514, five weeks.

10. "Real Steel," Disney, $1,864,688, 1,758 locations, $1,061 average, $81,612,804, six weeks.

11. "Moneyball," Sony, $1,066,267, 813 locations, $1,312 average, $71,857,836, eight weeks.

12. "Courageous," Sony, $1,012,220, 905 locations, $1,118 average, $31,565,808, seven weeks.

13. "The Ides of March," Sony, $944,292, 696 locations, $1,357 average, $38,358,318, six weeks.

14. "The Rum Diary," FilmDistrict, $803,456, 947 locations, $848 average, $12,371,440, three weeks.

15. "Dolphin Tale," Warner Bros., $693,294, 705 locations, $983 average, $69,634,072, eight weeks.

16. "Rockstar," Eros International, $612,235, 112 locations, $5,466 average, $612,235, one week.

17. "Anonymous," Sony, $582,527, 482 locations, $1,209 average, $3,753,918, three weeks.

18. "Margin Call," Roadside Attractions, $545,521, 199 locations, $2,741 average, $3,312,204, four weeks.

19. "50/50," Summit, $507,529, 424 locations, $1,197 average, $33,841,644, seven weeks.

20. "Like Crazy," Paramount Vantage, $504,512, 70 locations, $7,207 average, $1,055,778, three weeks.





Universal and Focus are owned by NBC Universal, a unit of Comcast Corp.; Sony, Columbia, Sony Screen Gems and Sony Pictures Classics are units of Sony Corp.; Paramount is owned by Viacom Inc.; Disney, Pixar and Marvel are owned by The Walt Disney Co.; Miramax is owned by Filmyard Holdings LLC; 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight are owned by News Corp.; Warner Bros. and New Line are units of Time Warner Inc.; MGM is owned by a group of former creditors including Highland Capital, Anchorage Advisors and Carl Icahn; Lionsgate is owned by Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.; IFC is owned by Rainbow Media Holdings, a subsidiary of Cablevision Systems Corp.; Rogue is owned by Relativity Media LLC.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/movies/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111114/ap_on_en_mo/us_box_office

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মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

The Spoons Experience ? Dummies guide to individual Finance!

There?s absolutely nothing wrong in availing financial aid from financial institution or any economic establishment in the event the want will come. Financial aid is taken when someone is going through some money deficiency which might happen as a result of ups and downs of existence. These days opting for individual finance is among the ideal methods to overcome these sorts of problems. Personal Finance is very quick to obtain as well as it is possible to decide as for each your specifications.
You can use the amount obtained by private finance to cover expenses of one?s a variety of needs. By way of example you could utilize it for property renovation, consolidating debts, as also you are able to use it for any much required trip along with your pals and loved ones and wedding expenditures.
You may have two alternatives to obtain individual finance i.e. secured and unsecured. If you want to avail secured personal finance, you have to submit some property. These assets will act being a security versus your financial loan amount. The quantity which might be obtained will completely depend upon the equity worth of your collateral. You will discover low rates of interest because of collateral. 1 the opposite hand, unsecured individual finance is usually obtained without submitting any collateral. This indicates it really is threat free from the customer?s finish. This kind of finance is primarily taken amongst debtors and residence proprietors, however the interest rates on unsecured individual finance will also be greater!
In secured private finance, you can acquire as much as 5000 pounds to 75000 lbs. You can obtain a time-frame of 5-25 many years to be able to repay the bank loan quantity with simple instalments. But you can not obtain such kind of advantage in unsecured private finance, you?ll be able to obtain little quantity from unsecured like anywhere about 10000 kilos to 25000 lbs. Also the reimbursement choices are not so beneficial. You will be offering a time period of 6 ? 10 months to repay the mortgage. Based upon your needs, it is possible to choose any of the two solutions available.
You?ll be able to get aid of an online advisor before applying for individual finance. A bit investigation as well as a comparative study can support the borrower to know the conditions and situation about the bank loan they?re about to just take. In particular when you?re making use of for individual finance on the web, a fantastic amount of study is really advantageous.
Also it is best to take into consideration how much money is coming inside your account and just how much cash is likely out and accordingly choose the amount which you?ll want to obtain for individual finance. It is recommended to deal with your individual finance as an investment. Try to cut down your costs on needless purchases. You could produce additional income by carrying out a component time work which can allow you to to spend off your private loans rapidly and that also with no a lot of efforts.
Individual finance can be a really good selection to get yourself some much necessary cash after you want them by far the most. It?s really crucial that 1 must start off educating oneself about money. You could read books, newspaper and posts on Internet. Do not consider any hasty choices and grasp all of the information and facts about individual finance ahead of applying!

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Source: http://www.thespoonsexperience.com/dummies-guide-to-individual-finance

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সোমবার, ১৪ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Exclusive: Lenovo to release a 10.1-inch Ice Cream Sandwich tablet with Tegra 3 by year's end

You wouldn't think a giant like Lenovo would stop at just three (or four) Android tablets now, would you? In fact, a little birdie has informed us that said Chinese company will release a new 10.1-inch tablet by the end of the year, and unsurprisingly, Ice Cream Sandwich along with NVIDIA's Tegra 3 T33 are on the menu. Other features include 2GB of speedy 1,600MHz DDR3 RAM, a standard USB host socket (covered by a not-so-elegant pop-out flap), a back-facing camera of unknown resolution, a "Special Fusion-Skin Body" and, most interestingly, a fingerprint scanner that apparently doubles as an optical joystick on the seemingly flat backside -- only time will tell whether this layout makes sense. Our source hasn't spilled any info on the dimensions and weight, but judging by the photos in our gallery, this 1.6GHz quad-core slate should be significantly thinner than the IdeaPad K1 or LePad sitting underneath. As always, you'll hear from us as soon as we find out more.

[Thanks, Anonymous]

Exclusive: Lenovo to release a 10.1-inch Ice Cream Sandwich tablet with Tegra 3 by year's end originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 14 Nov 2011 07:13:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2011/11/14/exclusive-lenovo-to-release-a-10-1-inch-ice-cream-sandwich-tabl/

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