মঙ্গলবার, ৬ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Example of Haiku Poems

If you are a good example of haiku poems and you want to find a modern example, look no further! Sure, it's easy to find examples of haiku by Basho, Issa and Buson ? the old Japanese masters. But what is to do what haiku poets today? Here for your reading pleasure are some examples of modern haiku.

Haiku Example No. 1

Hot day in June ?

an otter

slips into the sea

In this haiku by the author of the book "Seashore Haiku," we have somethingthis is a good example of a haiku, and it is in modern style. And "invented modern, why not follow the 5-7-5 syllable rule by the Japanese. But with sensitivity haiku. That is, there is a short poem of nature. And" descriptive and speaks in a present tense style. Disassembled into its component parts, this haiku is "an otter slips into the sea." From a fragment of "hot days of June" and the phrase together

Haiku Example # 2

Autumn Afternoon ?

the sound ofa woodpecker


In this example haiku poetry we have a snapshot of an event taking place sometimes in the fall. At the author's second book "Bird Haiku," this snapshot of nature takes the reader into a scene. In this case, is not what is observed, but listen to what. Haiku are best when they take the reader into the picture. Here the feeling of being in the woods. It is not to say where, but we know that woodpeckers spend most of their time inForest.

Haiku Example # 3

Dry branches gray

around the robin ?


In this haiku, also of "Bird Haiku," we have a different arrangement. Here is the sentence of the first fragment. Most of the haiku poems begin with the first fragment. But we can also use the first set. It's all about artistic sensibility ? all sounds and reads the best for the person who is the haiku.

Here we have three examples of haiku poemsthat are furnished in modern style.

Source: http://entertainment-poetry.chailit.com/example-of-haiku-poems.html

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